Dear lady with the big SUV…

My day at work was long. We turned back the clocks – it’s dark and I
was feeling cranky.  I pulled onto the street by daycare and saw your
big gas guzzler parked in the handicapped spot. I parked on the street
and walked past your car on my way in.

No handicapped sticker hanging from the mirror…

Just an oversized black purse spilling out on the passenger seat.  A
purse no girl in a chair or using crutches would want to haul. No way.
 I could have curled in a ball and climbed inside that thing.

I started to feel really mad.

After greeting my son and making our way back outside, there you were.  Strong legs.  Big boots.  Young and healthy.

Maybe your day sucked too.  Maybe you were feeling lazy or had to go to the bathroom really bad.  Perhaps you were conserving energy so you could Drop It Like It’s Hot and rock it Gangnam Style at the club this weekend.

I don’t know your story.

I do know that you quickly shut your door and wouldn’t look me in the
eye.  So I knocked on your window.  I thought I should point out how
you were illegally parked.  You played dumb so I felt inclined to point
out the large handicapped sign
about five feet from your face.  If I had guts I would have also
pointed out that I confronted you on this same thing like 6 months ago.

You just shrugged and shut your door.

I walked away and was mad.  I went from mad to steaming.  On my way
home it morphed into a wave of embarrassment over the reality that I
just confronted a fellow mom at my son’s school.  This was quickly
replaced with disgust.

Your laziness and lack of compassion for others leaves me speechless.
You are teaching your son to break laws, bend rules and put his needs
before others.  

It’s been three days and I’m still fuming.  So I’m writing you this letter.

Until we meet again {with you illegally parked},

2 thoughts on “Dear lady with the big SUV…

  1. So sad isn’t it. Sometimes I despair at humanity – or the lack of it, people seem to be getting more and more self-absorbed. It’s all about what you have and what you want. Community, and giving and decency seem to be evaporating.

    To be honest, driving in America drives me nuts anyway – people don’t seem to have any manners on the road at all. People sit in the fast lane, on their phones or texting. I think the law in the USA needs to clamp down a bit, get all British on their ass. You’d lose your driving licence if you behaved like that in the UK.

    Having said that, people drive WAY to fast in England, I know the cars are faster, but its dangerous.


  2. I’d put the local police department’s number in my phone. Then I’d call them next time you see her do that. See what she thinks of them apples!


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